Wednesday, September 30, 2015

She's Leaving Home... Bye, Bye.

This time it is different. Not that seeing Jessi off, watching her leave Munich, is unfamiliar. There was the start of the autumn semesters in Maastricht, the winter semester that took her to Barcelona, the beginning of her year at King’s in London.

But this is the defining move, to Berlin where with her formal education behind her she’ll hope to start her career, her truly independent existence. She knows what a milestone this is. Her name is already on the doorbell of the flat she’ll be sharing in Berlin-Neukölln. Jessi has hired a car which will be fully packed with everything she needs to commence a new and exciting chapter. And she will drive north alone, disinclined to share the car with anyone even if this would reduce the costs involved. I like her determination to be fully aware of what she is doing, noting as the kilometres are notched up that this is a journey like no other.

“She’s Leaving Home”… my soundtrack for this day. Just as in the song it’s a Wednesday morning! 

Even now I recall my own awareness of the magnitude of the event when I left Dallas so very long ago. I had a much longer journey to reach London, days rather than hours. I had no real understanding of what awaited me.

No, not true! I know what my destination was, what Jessi’s is. It’s called ‘a life’.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Schnief! Hat mir feuchte Augen beschert... Thanks for this lovely post!