“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the
land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be
adorned by a downright moron.”
So wrote the American satirist H. L. Mencken almost a century
ago. Herr Drumpf is no moron, far from it. As his inauguration day approached, however, I
agreed with my ex-wife that there would be little sense in using my blog to add
to the fully justified cacophony of dismay sure to be expressed by writers more
skilled and insightful than I.
But as January 2017 ended I found myself thinking back
not a hundred years but just eighty. Then, too, there were many here in Germany
who found the enthusiasm of ‘plain folks’ for the absurd strutting Austrian so
laughable that they preferred to maintain a dignified silence and wait until
the madness abated.
I find that worth bearing in mind.
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