Friday, July 21, 2017

Fair's fair

From the Quartz newsfeed…
It’s not easy to confront your boss over a contentious issue. And what’s more contentious than how much less you’re paid than your male colleagues? Now imagine having that debate live on national radio. That’s the situation BBC Radio 4 presenter Mishal Husain found herself in yesterday, when she interviewed her boss, BBC director Tony Hall, about the dramatic pay gap recently revealed at the British broadcaster.  Her colleague John Humphrys, for instance, was listed in the report, prepared by the BBC, as earning £400,000 more than her a year.  When Hall began talking about how difficult it was to manage the wage bill given funding was stagnant, Husain brought the conversation back to the question at hand, instead of getting frustrated. ‘I’m not sure what that means, in terms of managing the gender pay gap,’ she said. ‘Does that mean you’re going to be asking the men to take a pay cut?’

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