Saturday, October 28, 2017


Amazing that I fed both of them their pablum before their first birthdays!

Domi was In Munich earlier in the week, and she told Jessi of her earthquake experience in Mexico City. One might have thought that the richer neighbourhoods (and Dominique had just married into a very prominent German-Mexican dynasty and lived with her Daniel in a luxury apartment) might have been spared the worst.

Far from it. With the building wobbling severely, she had difficulty getting her boots on and making it down the unstable stairwell. She had reached her brand new husband by phone and heard that he was in his office on the eleventh floor of a swaying high-rise tower.

They were able to find each other but were prevented from driving to a safer part of the city by the rubble blocking streets and had a long walk before they felt able to relax. 

Just hearing the story second-hand made me shudder. But there are Gods to be thanked for protecting them from harm.

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