Thursday, February 05, 2009

A very close call

It wasn't panic, exactly. Just a strange feeling, when I got home last night at about ten and emptied my pockets... No sign of the USB drive normally in trousers right with my house key.

It's a drive of some importance, since when I use a couple of hours in the office to work on my manuscript (938 pages long in the meantime) it's the document on the USB which I update. So where was yesterday's work?

I consoled myself with the thought that I had possibly left the tiny item on my desk...

With this optimistic thought dominant I left the flat this morning, took the lift down to the ground floor, opened the front door... and found the USB drive on the step! It must have fallen out of my pocket when I pulled out my key to let myself into the building ten hours earlier!

Picture me relieved!

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