Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Re-booting Sandlander

On Monday 1 February the 're-boot' began with the mailing of the flyer above, which is intended to let German media enterprises know that a hot-shot translator is available for hire.

Monday and today also see me in the recording booth doing the final voiceovers for my German client which popped its corporate clogs at the turn of the year.

On Monday I had an eighteen-minute wait on an open, snow-swept platform, waiting for a delayed local train to get me to the office. We are all now rather tired of declaring our winter-wonderland amazement that a month of January with snow cover from beginning to end is a phenomenon not seen for thirty years.

With the train and the warmth of overfilled carriages still eight minutes away I received an SMS.

"Come 4 a few days"

My erstwhile boss in Abu Dhabi was always a man of few words, since he runs his businesses almost exclusively via SMS.

But, although this message indicates that in some way my know-how is required and experience tells me there will be a problem if I should tender a statement of fees, I shall most certainly go 4 a few days.

In fact, it is almost worrying how delighted I am about the trip. And not just because of the pleasant climate contrast. What the hell is it about the Sandlands?.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Story! And allways keep in mind: "god is great, beer is good and peaple are crazy". Gor for it!