Saturday, June 19, 2010


Per France 24... On Wednesday, the leading French daily, Le Monde, reported that intense negotiations between French and Abu Dhabi officials were underway to ensure that Abu Dhabi laws, essentially Islamic or Sharia laws, do not apply to French military personnel and their families stationed on the base.

The article is, in my view, is a very strange take on Abu Dhabi. No, the Sandlands do not resemble the French republic. But precisely what 'freedoms' do the French wish to retain which could offend the regulations in the Emirate? Itis not, after all, the KSA...

Picture me puzzled.

1 comment:

nzm said...

I think that they want any misdemeanours or crimes committed by French personnel off the base to be dealt with under French law, rather than UAE law, as per the agreement that the US has in place with countries in which they have bases.