Thursday, March 22, 2012

For no particular reason I did follow the budget speech made yesterday by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Today he is being roundly criticized for what is called his 'granny tax'... a modification of the tax allowances for pensioners. 

Many years ago, when I realized that due to my constant moves from one country to another I would never qualify for any national pension scheme, I knew that there would for me be no retirement from professional activity... ever. There was also my suspicion that the monetary value of pensions was unlikely to be enough to live a decent life.

So I do not feel terribly surprised that 'granny' is going to be hit! Not, of course, the granny in the middle of the visual.That is an entirely different story...

Yesterday my stroll through the city took me past a shop called Pylones, the Munich branch of a Paris gift shop selling quirky objects which are as ironic as they are colourful. And there she was in the window, our Queen, waving at me. In this Jubilee year I could not resist. Her hand moves... the power comes from a photovoltaic chip embedded in her handbag. And so as soon as I switch on my desk lamp in the morning I am greeted so royally. Bliss!

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