Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Most days of the week I walk back home from the grocery store along a street lined by big trees. Yesterday, for the first time, the pavement was strewn with the first fallen leaves. I guess Mother Nature had sent out the message that summer needed to be declared closed.

Yesterday the temperature in Munich reached 25 degrees.

Today we are promised a high of 13.

Tomorrow the school kids in Bavaria start the new term, after just a paltry six weeks of holiday.

It wasn't a brilliant summer here, but sitting at an outside table at CafĂ© Schwabing was pleasant, watching the world go by.  Now I shall be forced inside and subjected to the omnipresence of football on the monitors all tuned to Sky Sport.

And yet again (I've bogged on this before) I feel anew that trepidation I knew as a youngster, when the a new school year meant strange and unfamiliar challenges that I was not sure I was up to.

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