Sunday, September 07, 2014


The Observer reports today...
"A poll by YouGov for the Sunday Times sent shockwaves through the political establishment north and south of the border as it showed the 'yes' camp had 51% to 49% for no, excluding the don't knows."

Duc de Saint-Simon noted in 1707...
"About this time the English succeeded in consummating that great union which they had for so many years desired. At the beginning of this year, by intrigue, bribery and perseverance, the Scottish parliament was persuaded to let itself be annulled and to join thenceforward in a single parliament to sit in England for both kingdoms. It passes understanding how so proud a nation, hating the English, well acquainted with them through past sufferings, and moreover, so jealous of their own freedom and indeoendence, should have submitted to bow their necks beneath such a yoke."

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