Thursday, May 19, 2016

A grand lad

I think we were both surprised. I know I was delighted! My grand-nephew is eight months old and was in fine form yesterday.

His parents, Stu and Marie, flank Mickey and me with Sebastian where he belongs... bang in the middle of the photo shot by the server at Venezia. And what an adventure the little lad is having as the family takes a whole month for a spontaneous tour of Europe, hauling a caravan as they explore the continent. For Marie, Munich was a must, the rediscovery of a city where she, her mother and brother spent several happy months when she was just a wee lassie in the eighties. Sebastian... in his own time... will learn just how fast time flies. But I'm so grateful that time permitted me to meet my feisty grand-nephew for the first and hopefully not the last time.

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