Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The looming vote

Usually for me the highlight of the month of June has been the Summer Solstice and the unique delights of the longest days of the whole year. 2016 will be an exception with the vote on the 23rd.

I previously stated on this blog that should to Brexiters win, I'd apply for German citizenship, since this country has for long been my home. I am by no means alone.

From the Quartz newsfeed...
"The post-Brexit implications for Brits in Germany, and elsewhere in Europe, are unclear. But the fact that long-term expats have no say in this matter puts them in a frustrating limbo... Anyone who has lived in Germany for eight years may apply for German citizenship, provided they pay around €250 and pass a multiple-choice citizenship test and a language test. The process takes up to 12 months."  

The article on the Quartz site is worth reading. 

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