Thursday, February 15, 2007

More Joost

Television is so very yesterday.

There's more insight into the Joost project here from Wired.

And BeetTV has a story which, in a way, seems to me like a mash up of two phases of my professional life. Back in the early seventies I was earning my living by publishing promotional materials for agencies representing fashion models, with clients from Milan to Stockholm, New York to Vienna.

The medium was, back then, print.

Now it seems that one of the leading agencies, Ford Models, has decided that pretty girls on internet video (my current arena of activity) are not such a terribly bad idea!

Well, the French satellite television channel Fashion TV has certainly proved that there's a worldwide audience for that. In the Sandlands there's a huge audience, and it is by no means made up only of fashion conscious sheikhas!

And while I'm updating the media-related stuff which has caught my attention there's an excellent rundown from SplashcastMedia who give a very unbiased overview of the services in the same sector in which they operate, The seventeen most-talked-about online video companies and how they differ.

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