Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Travelling while staying still

It is complete self-indulgence, setting the action of my new narrative in the city I left when I was just fifteen. I have only been back once or twice in the intervening decades, the last time with my then ten-year-old who had a very grown-up meal in the Point Restaurant... goose, as I recall, and without ketchup!

My research also turns up the fact that now a new tram route is being built through Edinburgh. How odd. When the city was my home there were still lovely double-decker madder-and-cream coloured trams rattling across the entire city.

Will in my story a body be buried in the foundations of the new tramway?

Will there be shoot-out in the post-modern Point Restaurant?

Tout est possible!

1 comment:

jessimay said...
