Sunday, April 15, 2012

L'écran noir

On my Tumblr blog (often NSFW) I make the claim that the content consists of ...

"Visuals montaged by a storyteller, an imaginary narrative, frame sequences from films I might have made, a 'look book' for the manuscript I'm writing, mash-ups of pictures I find meaningful or fun."

In way these dozen panels recently posted do seem to add up to a thematic 'tag cloud' using pictures instead of words.

Yes, I write protagonists who provoke with their nudity...
Yes, I write of power and its abuse and of protest...
Yes, the 'dreaded weed' is marginally present...
Yes, I have a strangely eclectic taste in music...
Yes, I view life's episodes as performance...
Yes, there's France and there's Scotland...
Yes, style has always augmented reality...

sur l'écran noir de mes nuits blanches

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