Thursday, August 06, 2015

Holiday mood

It’s not the Place des Lices in Saint-Tropez, where this month the flaneur is invited to appraise the passing Aoûtiennes in all their scantily clad glory. But there is a lot to be said for an urban square where over forty magnificently mature lime trees offer shade when the mercury rises to the 34 degrees predicted for today. And Hohenzollernplatz is a mere four hundred metres from my little apartment. There is no café to rival Sénéquier, just a modest bar frequented by pensioners with the cheapest beer in the ‘hood. Not that glamour is entirely missing in this corner of Schwabing-West. On my block there are two latest model Aston-Martins, a convertible and a coupé, sporting residents’ parking permits.

Je suis content!

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