Saturday, November 05, 2016

A queasy, sinking feeling...

Jonathan Freedland in The Guardian...
"We are standing on the brink of the abyss. And, like anyone who’s ever peered into a chasm, we are experiencing a queasy, sinking feeling. All round the world, not just in the United States, people are contemplating the prospect that on Wednesday morning we will wake to hear of victory for Donald J TrumpIn Britain we feel especially vulnerable. If you voted remain, the memory of a ballot going the wrong way is fresh. And not just any ballot, but one you believe will cause lasting, epochal damage. The thought that Tuesday might bring the second such moment in a year is one to dread."

My own view is perhaps not quite so dystopian. But my fear is that the Trump voters will within the next twelve months... and whatever the outcome of the election... realise that their lot has not in any meaningful way improved. What will then be their reaction?  

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