Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stepping out

I took my meds! No, not the blue ones so regularly proposed in the spam emails which clutter my in-box each day.

The metaphorical pills did, however, imply an enhancement of my interaction with society. Here in the Sandlands, in Abu Dhabi in particular, I have tended to live the life of a loner. Strange that I ever actually signed up for membership in any networking group.

Xing is, however, a bit different in that it has German roots, which for me made it interesting given the twenty years I lived in that country. And so when I learned that an Abu Dhabi chapter of Xing was being inaugurated, and that the rendezvous was to be a pleasant bar a few blocks from my office, I decided to attend.

This led to three conversations; one I would evaluate as interesting, a second was useful, the third fascinating and potentially life-changing.

Maybe I should get out more!

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